IE04: Integrated Exercise for Software II

AY2024 S2
Introduction | Instructors | Schedule | Presentation | Materials | Evaluation |

Last revised on 2025/01/08.



Developing software is an activity that involves, understanding of requirements, design of computational structures and behavior, and implementation of the designs. It requires practical application and integration of various knowledge/skills including but not limited to programming and software engineering.

In this course, 4 to 5 students work in teams to learn practical software development by developing a software that solves a given problem (project theme). Project themes will be decided at beginning of the course, development is performed incrementally in phases, and results are reported at an interim review and a final review session. Teams working on the same project theme will compete on developing a better software product. The teams are required to plan and manage their development using project tools to provide high transparency of their activity.

For Integrated Exercise for Software II, software that integrates contents covered in multiple 1st to 3rd (up to S1) year courses will be developed. Themes will include requirements, in addition to the contents of Integrated Exercise for Software I, on object-oriented design, databases, and user-interfaces.


  1. Understand software requirements and define corresponding models
  2. Create a software design that satisfies functional and quality requirements
  3. Setup a suitable development environment and effectively manage development activities
  4. Design and perform sufficient tests to verify software
  5. Validate software by checking that it meets the needs of stakeholders


Time and Place

Class Time Room Instructor
Group 1 (std1) Wednesday, 2, 3, 4 std1 Prof. Uday Kiran Rage
Group 2 (std2) Wednesday, 2, 3, 4 std2 Prof. Maxim Mozgovoy
Group 3 (std5) Wednesday, 2, 3, 4 std5 Prof. Rentaro Yoshioka
Group 4 (std6) Wednesday, 2, 3, 4 std6 Prof. Pierre-Alain Fayolle



Name E-mail Lab. Room
Prof. Uday Kiran Rage 145A std1
Prof. Maxim Mozgovoy 247A std2
Prof. Rentaro Yoshioka (course coordinator) 145C std5
Prof. Pierre-Alain Fayolle 323C std6


Name E-mail Room
Lasya Palla std1
Tuan Dung Nguyen std2
Riku Takano std5
Aika Yamanobe std6


Week # Date Activities Phase Deliverables (to submit) Project Code Classroom
1 10/2 Team formation, setup, read and understand RFP Plan Team profile Common
2 10/16 Requirements and use-case analysis Req. Def. Product backlog Separate
3 10/23 Requirements definition and use-case analysis Phase 1 Phase backlog, Use-case diagram, Class-diagram (model) Hello world Separate
4 10/30 Design and implementation Phase 1 Use-case diagram (description), Class-diagram (model), UI definition UI mockups Separate
5 11/6 Phase 1 demo Phase 1 Class-diagram, sequence-diagram, program Phase 1 product Common
6 11/13 Revise & update requirements and use-cases Phase 2 Phase backlog Separate
7 11/20 Design and implementation. Phase 2 Use-case diagram (description), Class-diagram (model), UI definition Separate
8 12/4 Phase 2 demo Phase 2 Class-diagram, sequence-diagram, program Phase 2 product Common
9 12/11 Revise and update requirements and use-cases Phase 3 Phase backlog Separate
10 12/18 Design and implementation. Phase 3 Use-case diagram (description), Class-diagram (model), UI definition Separate
11 1/8 Phase 3 demo Phase 3 Class-diagram, sequence-diagram, program Phase 3 product Common
12 1/15 Validate and verify Test Test-plan (including test-cases) Separate
13 1/22 Final improvement and prepare for presentation Test Test report, issue-list Separate
14 1/29 Final presentation Finish Final report (presentation slides), program Tested and improved product Common

Final Presentation

The final presentation will be held as follows: Presentation format: Schedule and presentation order will be announced later.


Project Assignment

Student Evaluation

  1. Presentation at each review (interim and final) 25%
  2. Software product (documents and software) 40%
  3. Final exam (individual interview) 25%
  4. Participation in class activities and attitude 10%
Evaluation criteria: